I watched Inglourious Basterds recently, and immediately decided to write about it. No doubt others have written extensively, criticising Tarantino's increasingly grotesque revenge motif, or admiring his bravery for keeping the dialogue almost entirely in French and German. But what can I do. All I really care about is the hats.
Here are five of the best.
1. The gorgeous Mélanie Laurent.
The very model of intellectual Parisian chic.
2. Diane Krüger.
Is it morally acceptable to fancy these men in Nazi uniforms? Pervy minds want to know.
3. Julie Dreyfus (who played Sofie Fatale in Kill Bill 1).
Ch-ch-ch-cheetah face. Love it. Love the whole concept.
4. Michael Fassbender.
War finds yet another justification. Take that, Thomas Aquinasshole.
5. Mélanie Laurent again. Doivent-elles les femmes porter le voile?
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